Sports Injuries

I treat a lot of sports injuries particularly the injuries that keep returning every season once training intensifies. Patients include GAA players, rugby players, tennis players, golfers and runners. Since I have played a lot of sports in the past myself, I have a good understanding of the games and the movements involved.

Book an appointment or make an enquiry

How does osteopathy help?

Osteopaths look at the whole body and take a very extensive medical history to understand how your body is working. It may be that you suffer recurrent groin or hamstring strains but on examination and history the osteopath may find that it was a combination of the old ankle fracture and an appendix scar, coupled with an intense training schedule that is overloading your body’s compensatory mechanism. The osteopath will help your body re-adapt by releasing the tensions in these areas, so that the training is not as big a stress on the body.

How many sessions?

This is very individual and depends on factors such as your age and the condition of your body. Some people only need one or two sessions whereas others need many more over a longer period of time.

Will it hurt?
Some of the techniques used may be uncomfortable.

  • Will I be sore after the treatment?

    Some people are sore the day or two afterwards. They compare it to a soreness you can get after doing exercise you are not used to. This is normal since your body is re-adjusting.



Common sports injuries

• Tendonitis
• Muscle strain
• Ligament sprain
• Bursitis
• Recurrent muscle strains
• Joint pain such as shoulder, elbow, hip, knee or ankle pain
• Specific injuries such as runner’s knee, tennis/golfer’s elbow, rotator cuff injury, Achilles tendonitis ...

sports injuries relief cavan ireland
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