to see an Osteopath?
The birth of a baby is the most stressful event of its life. The baby is subjected to huge forces as the womb pushes to get the baby out while at the same time the baby is twisting to squeeze through the bony pelvis.
The baby’s head can mould and change shape in response to these stresses. The distortions in the head are usually resolved naturally after the birth with crying and suckling.
However there are many reasons why the labour can be difficult for both mum and baby. As a result, the baby may not be able to fully resolve the effects of the birth so the baby has to accommodate these strains as he grows.
This can cause the baby to be physically uncomfortable and therefore unhappy.
These unresolved birth stresses and the body’s adaptation to them can be the root of many of the different problems in children and adults, such as colic or difficulty latching on in babies to chronic headaches or learning difficulties in children.