Pregnancy is a unique and powerful experience. Enormous physical, hormonal and emotional changes take place over a relatively short period of time.
The body has to adapt to carrying up to 20lb of baby, waters and placenta, which can impose physical strain on all the organs and tissues. Pregnancy hormones also cause the ligaments of the spine and uterus to soften making them more susceptible to injuries.
•Low back and pelvic pain
•Pubic symphysis pain
•Neck pain
•Rib pain
•Uncomfortable pressure on the diaphragm, leading .to shortness of breath and indigestion.
•Hemorrhoids and constipation

"Due to a bad car crash in my late teens & owning to the injuries I received, I’ve had to endure years of chronic back pain.
I’ve tried all sorts of treatments & medication but with every day life my injuries kept resurfacing.
I’m now in my thirties & in July 2010, 3 months pregnant, my back already acting up & physio never quite getting rid of my pain, the prospects of carrying a wee bundle for another 6months looked miserable.
Through a family member I arranged to see Lorraine the Osteopath in Cavan & I’ve never looked back.
She diagnosed problems which all connected, from my headaches, neck stiffness, shoulder stiffness, trapped nerves, and pain across my middle & lower back & over a number of sessions treated the lot.
I’m in my third trimester & for the past few months have been attending Lorraine for a monthly maintenance of Osteo & Cranial therapy.
I’ve loved every minute of my pregnancy & do believe the treatment I’ve been receiving contributed to this!"
Ash x